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60+ Interestingly ways to Reply to What’s Up?


The casual greeting “What’s up?” is a phrase we encounter often in daily conversations. It’s a versatile and friendly way for someone to check in with you, whether it’s in person, over text, or online. But how should you respond? The answer can vary depending on your relationship with the person, your mood, or the context of the conversation. Below, we explore a wide range of replies to “What’s up?” to help you find the perfect response for any situation.

Reply to What's Up

Casual and Standard Reply to What’s Up?

Sometimes, the best response is to keep things simple. Here are some straightforward, casual replies that work in almost any situation:

  1. “Not much, you?” – A classic and neutral reply that turns the question back to the other person.
  2. “Just chilling.” – A laid-back response indicating you’re relaxing.
  3. “Same old, same old.” – This suggests that things are pretty normal and there’s nothing new to report.
  4. “Hey! Just hanging out.” – Friendly and casual, perfect for informal settings.
  5. “Nothing much, how about you?” – A polite way to respond, showing interest in the other person’s day.
  6. “Just working on some stuff.” – A vague but acceptable reply that implies you’re busy with something.
  7. “All good here, you?” – A positive response that keeps the conversation going.
  8. “Not a whole lot, what’s going on with you?” – A bit more conversational, inviting the other person to share.
  9. “Just taking it easy.” – Suggests you’re relaxing or not doing anything stressful.
  10. “Just getting through the day.” – Implies you’re just going about your routine.
  11. “You know, the usual.” – Another way to say that things are pretty standard.
  12. “Just the regular grind.” – A good reply if you’re busy with work or daily tasks.

Humorous or Playful Reply to What’s Up?

If you’re in the mood for a bit of fun, these humorous replies can add some personality to your response:

  1. “The ceiling, you?” – A light-hearted joke that plays on the literal meaning of “up.”
  2. “The sky, what’s up with you?” – Another playful reply that makes a pun out of the question.
  3. “Just trying to take over the world, you?” – A humorous response that exaggerates your plans for the day.
  4. “My blood pressure, but it’s under control.” – A funny way to suggest you’re dealing with stress or excitement.
  5. “Living the dream!” – Often used sarcastically, but can be funny depending on the context.
  6. “Waiting for the weekend, you?” – A relatable and humorous response, especially if it’s midweek.
  7. “The rent, unfortunately.” – A witty reply that plays on the reality of adult life.
  8. “Not sure yet, still figuring it out.” – A playful way to suggest your day is unpredictable.
  9. “Oh, you know, just practicing my ninja moves.” – An unexpected and funny answer.
  10. “Plotting my next adventure, you?” – A playful response that hints at something exciting.

Friendly and Engaging Reply to What’s Up?

These replies are perfect if you want to keep the conversation going and show that you’re interested in a genuine exchange:

  1. “Just thinking about our next hangout!” – Shows you’re looking forward to spending time together.
  2. “Catching up on some reading, what about you?” – Sharing your current activity can lead to further conversation.
  3. “Just finished a great workout, how’s your day going?” – A positive reply that might inspire more dialogue.
  4. “Just grabbed a coffee, what’s your day looking like?” – Casual and inviting for a continued chat.
  5. “Hey! Was just thinking about you.” – A warm response that shows you care.
  6. “Enjoying the weather, how about you?” – A seasonally appropriate response that can lead to more discussion.
  7. “Just relaxing, been a busy day! What’s up with you?” – A mix of sharing and inquiring about their day.
  8. “Catching up on some emails, you?” – A relatable reply for a busy day.
  9. “Just watched a great movie, seen anything good lately?” – Opens up a conversation about films or entertainment.
  10. “Just enjoying some downtime, what’s up with you?” – A friendly reply that shows you’re open to chatting.

Busy or Indirect Reply to What’s Up?

If you’re not in the mood for a lengthy conversation or you’re genuinely busy, these replies can help you communicate that politely:

  1. “In the middle of something, can we talk later?” – Direct and respectful of both your time and theirs.
  2. “Just heading out, let’s catch up soon!” – Indicates you’re busy but interested in reconnecting later.
  3. “Working on a project right now, talk later?” – A professional and polite way to defer the conversation.
  4. “Can’t chat right now, but hope you’re doing well!” – Shows you care but are currently unavailable.
  5. “Really busy today, but let’s catch up soon!” – Keeps the door open for future conversation.
  6. “Just running errands, what’s up?” – A brief reply that can either end or start a conversation depending on their response.
  7. “Tied up with work right now, but let’s catch up later!” – Balances being busy with being approachable.
  8. “On a call, can I get back to you?” – Straightforward and clear.
  9. “Busy day, but I’m here. What’s up?” – Acknowledge your busy schedule while being open to a brief chat.
  10. “Just wrapped up something, what’s on your mind?” – Signals that you’re available now after being busy.

Creative and Unique Reply to What’s Up?

Sometimes you might want to stand out with a creative or unique response:

  1. “Just building my empire, how about you?” – A creative way to say you’re working on something important.
  2. “Exploring the mysteries of the universe, and you?” – Adds a sense of whimsy or intellectual curiosity.
  3. “Just keeping the peace in my little corner of the world.” – A poetic and peaceful reply.
  4. “Diving into a new hobby, you?” – Opens up the conversation to talk about interests.
  5. “Just thinking about life’s big questions.” – A philosophical approach that can spark deeper conversation.
  6. “Working on a secret project, can’t say much more!” – Intriguing and mysterious, it might prompt them to ask more.
  7. “Just brainstorming my next big idea, what about you?” – Suggests creativity and ambition.
  8. “Enjoying a moment of peace before the storm, how about you?” – Evocative and poetic.
  9. “Navigating through the chaos, and you?” – A dramatic way to suggest you’re dealing with a lot.
  10. “Plotting my next move in this game called life.” – Creative and thought-provoking.

Expressing Emotions or Moods Reply to What’s Up?

If you’re in a particular mood or want to express how you’re feeling, these reply to what’s up can convey that effectively:

  1. “Feeling great, thanks for asking! You?” – Positive and upbeat.
  2. “A bit tired, but pushing through. You?” – Honest and relatable.
  3. “Feeling inspired today, how about you?” – Shares your good mood and might encourage positivity.
  4. “A little stressed, but managing. What’s up with you?” – Honest and invites empathy or understanding.
  5. “Super excited about a new project, what’s up?” – Enthusiastic and engaging.
  6. “Just taking it one step at a time, you?” – Reflects a calm and measured approach to the day.
  7. “In a reflective mood, what’s on your mind?” – Suggests you’re in a thoughtful state.
  8. “A bit overwhelmed, but it’s all good. What about you?” – Honest and invites support.
  9. “Feeling pretty content right now, you?” – Shares your satisfaction or peace of mind.
  10. “A little down, but getting through it. How about you?” – Vulnerable and sincere.


“What’s up?” is such a common greeting that it’s easy to overlook the many ways you can respond. Whether you want to keep it simple, add some humor, express how you’re feeling, or get creative, there are countless ways to reply depending on the context and your mood. By varying your responses, you can keep your conversations fresh, engaging, and reflective of your personality. So next time someone asks, “What’s up?” you’ll be ready with the perfect reply!

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